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Application Note

3D Z-Buffer Using MMX™ Technology

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Copyright © Intel Corporation (1996). Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.



The Z-Buffer is a hidden surface removal algorithm commonly used in 3D applications that require accurate representation of intersecting planes such as joints and trusses. A hidden surface removal algorithm determines whether the pixel is hidden by others in the scene closer to the viewer. For example if the z value of a pixel is greater than the one already drawn for a given x,y location then the pixel is not drawn. Most CAD systems, architecture visualization engines, and high-end rendering engines use the Z-Buffer technique to provide accurate polygon based renderings. In fact, the Z-Buffer algorithm is an integral component of 3D hardware accelerator cards and a software component of Criterion's RenderWare*, Argonaut's BRender*, and Microsoft's Direct3D*. This application note will provide an overview of the 3D Z-Buffer algorithm , two methods for implementing a Z-Buffer using MMX™ technology, optimization techniques, and performance results. For demonstration purposes the sample code provided in Section 4 operate on a signed 16-bit Z-Buffer with 16-bit (565) color values using flat shading. This method processes four pixels in the Z-Buffer utilizing the MMX instruction PCMPGTW, which operates on signed words.


A Z-Buffer stores the depth values of a 3D object displayed in a viewport. When a 3D polygon is drawn on the screen it consists of x, y, and z values, one set per pixel on the screen. The Z-Buffer holds the depth value of the nearest polygon that has been drawn. Before a polygon is rendered to the display, the z values for pixels already drawn on the screen must be fetched from the buffer, compared to new values, and conditionally updated. Figure 1.1 and 1.2 shows a mouse rendered with and without Z-Buffer hidden surface removal. A Z-Buffer with the positive Z-axis pointing into the screen was used for all the examples in this appnote. However sample code for both orientation of the Z-axis is provided in Section 4.2.

Figure 1.1 Z-Buffer Hidden Surface Removal

Figure 1.2 No Hidden Surface Removal

The Z-Buffer consists of a block of contiguous memory allocated to match the size of the screen in which the 3D polygons are rendered. A Z-Buffer comprised of signed words initialized to 0x7fff(see Figure 2.1) is used to store the z values. This provide a dynamic range spanning -32,768 at the screen to 32,767 at infinity.

Figure 2.1 Z-Buffer Allocation

For 3D rendering, polygons are rasterized into spans by interpolating the edges of the polygon from the vertices. In Figure 2.2 vertices (Smallx, Y, Z1[Y]) and (Largex,Y,Z2[Y]), which describe the span, are interpolated from the polygon edges formed from the vertices (B,C) and (A,E).

Figure 2.2 Bilinear Interpolation

In order to maintain the correct view for intersecting polygons, each z value in the span is checked against the value in the Z-Buffer. If the z value is closer to the viewer (signified by a smaller number) then the pixel is displayed and the value in the Z-Buffer is replaced by the new pixel's z value. Since a span is specified by two vertices,(Smallx, Y, Z1[Y]) and (Largex,Y,Z2[Y]), the z value is interpolated by calculating the change in z ( Z) per x increment ( X) as shown in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 Z Interpolation for a Span

After dz is obtained from the previous equation, the Z-Buffer algorithm in Figure 2.4 is executed. Only pixels on the span which possess a lesser z value then those contained in the array zbuffer are drawn.

for(x=Smallx; x<Largex+1; x++){
	if(z < zbuffer[x,Y]){
Figure 2.4 Pseudo-Code for Z-Buffer Algorithm 

The pseudo-code is a C implementation of the Z-Buffer algorithm, where compares operate in serial for each pixel in the span and drawn to the screen. Note that no clamping is used for the code in Figure 2.4 which may cause z values at the extremes of the signed word (0x7fff and 0x8000) to change signs. However MMX technology implementations do not have this problem because clamping is done through sign saturate MMX instuctions. The SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data) architecture, in MMX technology, is exploited by using a PCMPGTW to compare four z values with four Z-Buffer values. A mask is obtained from the operation, shown in Figure 2.5, and used to update the screen and Z-Buffer.

Figure 2.5 PCMPGTW Mask Result

Since MMX instructions access multiple words, the start of the span must be eight byte aligned. The implication is that spans which start at unaligned Z-Buffer addresses (those addresses which do not end with zero or eight) will cause a penalty for each access to memory. Since a span and its respective Z-Buffer can start between aligned addresses, a span alignment algorithm is used.

Figure 2.6 Mixed vs. MMX Procedure

Figure 2.6 provide an example of an unaligned start address. The span alignment procedure always operate on eight bytes of data, and thus the start address is adjusted to an aligned memory location in the Z-Buffer. The unrelated Z-Buffer information, marked by "X", is read in and written out without changes. This method is explained in-depth in Section 2.2.3 - Span Alignment.

2.1. Code Methods

In the following discussion, each start address of the span is assumed to be eight byte aligned in the Z-Buffer. There are two methods for rendering pixels onto the screen as described in Section 2.1.2 - Pixel Merging and Section 2.1.3 - Transparent Blit.

2.1.1 Z-Buffer Update

The PCMPGTW is used to generate a mask for use in either Pixel Merge or Transparent Blit. This instruction operate on data from the Z-Buffer and interpolated z values shown in Figure 2.3. In order to operate on four z values at once, the initial z value is placed in a MMX technology register(mm0) and propagated into the four words of the register. Then a 64-bit register(mm1) containing increment constants (offset) is added to the four words, creating the appropriate z values for the four pixels. Next the values in the Z-Buffer are copied into the mm3 register. The pcmpgtw compare instuction is executed for mm3 and mm0, creating a mask of 0xffff where the Z-Buffer values are greater than the z values. The resulting mask is applied to either Pixel Merge or Transparent Blit. To prepare for the next four pixels, the z values in mm0 is incremented by fourdz(see Figure 2.7).

Initial Variables
	movq	  mm0,dword ptr[zval]
	punpcklwd	mm0,mm0
	punpckldq	mm0,mm0 
	movq		mm1,dword ptr[offset]
	paddsw		mm0,mm1
	movq    	mm1,dword ptr[zbuffer]
	pcmpgtw		mm1, mm0
	: ;do Transparent Blit or Pixel Merge
	paddsw          mm0,dword ptr[fourdz]
	jmp	check_zvalues
Figure 2.7 Z Value Calculation Algorithm - Unoptimized 

2.1.2 Pixel Merge

In the Pixel Merge method (illustrated in Figure 2.8.), color for the span is loaded into a MMX technology register(mm3) and propagated into the four words of the register(color propagation is only necessary for flat shaded polygons). A copy of the register mask in mm0 is placed in mm2 and PANDNed with mm3 causing pixels with larger z values than the Z-Buffer to copy over to mm2. Next the PAND operation is performed with the screen memory and mm0, allowing pixels with smaller Z-Buffer values through. Then mm0 is PORed with mm2 and copied to the back buffer where previous polygons were drawn. After all the polygons are processed for the scene, the back buffer is blitted to the frame buffer for display.

Figure 2.8 Pixel Merging Method

2.1.3 Transparent Blit

Similar to the Pixel Merge method, the color of the span is placed into mm3. A PANDN operation is performed on the original mask mm0 and copied to a temporary buffer. The temporary surface may contain previous span information for the polygon(shown by other green pixels in Figure 2.9). After the whole polygon is processed, the surface is blitted, with black as the transparent color, to the back buffer. This differs from Pixel Merge, where a complete scene is placed in the back buffer. Black transparency blitting is vital in removing the PAND instruction from the algorithm, since PCMPGTW automatically generates 0 as a false result. However, polygons described by black will also be treated as part of the transparent color and therefore will not show up in the final image. For optimal performance, only the rectangle bounding the polygon should be blitted from the temporary buffer to the back buffer. The advantage of Transparent Blit over Pixel Merge is the speed gained from not having to access the frame memory for compositing the pixels. But, Transparent Blit will fail for black polygons and speed will be lost if more then the rectangle bounding the polygon is blitted from the temporary buffer to the back buffer.

Figure 2.9 Transparent Blit Method

2.2. Optimizations

This section discusses the importance of back buffer location, memory alignment, and span alignment optimization techniques. This comprehensive optimization approach applied to the Z-Buffer algorithm provides an increase in performance(10% to 60%) over traditional C and assembly code.

2.2.1. Back Buffer Location

As stated earlier, in Section 2.1, the back buffer is the repository for the video display. This buffer can be allocated in either system or video memory. The location of the back buffer plays an integral part in the performance of the two MMX Z-Buffer routines. Table 1 shows the performance impact for changes in back buffer location versus the Z-Buffer method used.

Video MemorySystem Memory
Pixel MergeVery SlowAverage
Transparent BlitAverageFast

Table 1 Display Buffer Location Vs. Z-Buffer Method

Pixel Merge is not useful when the back buffer is in video memory because of the overhead associated with accessing the PCI bus for pixel information in video memory. This problem can be avoided in Transparent Blit because the algorithm avoids reads from the back buffer. Performance numbers for both Z-Buffer algorithms in system memory and video memory are provided in Section 3.2.2.

2.2.2. Data Alignment

This section is a quick primer for data alignment issues in relation to data lengths, data structures, and memory allocation. In the process of writing a modeling shell for the Z-Buffer algorithm, a number of data related issues arose from the interaction of C++ with assembly. Data length describes the datatypes used in relation to the programming platform. In a 32-bit programming environment it is best to use 32-bit datatypes, while 16-bit datatypes are desirable for 16-bit applications. If a 32-bit datatype is used in a 16-bit program and visa versa, a one to three cycle prefix penalty is incurred each time the data is accessed and used.

Second, data structures should be placed from largest datatype to smallest datatype. By placing datatypes inside a structure using this method, memory misalignments are reduced. Memory misalignment is also important in memory allocation which describes both arrays and malloc's(or new's). The rule of thumb here is to allocate more memory than is required and use a pointer to access the memory starting with an aligned address, as shown in Figure 2.10. By aligning memory allocations, a three cycle penalty is avoided for each memory access.

char *alignedmem, *somemem;
somemem = malloc(1024+7);
alignedmem = (char*)((dword)(somemem+7)&~7); 
Figure 2.10 8-Byte Malloc Alignment 

2.2.3. Span Alignment

Span alignment consists of a start and end masking of excess Z-Buffer data and an adjustment offset increment. Figure 2.11 shows an unaligned span with excess data shown as a white X on black.

Figure 2.11 Aligned Processing

The data in the aligned Z-Buffer are processed in the normal fashion described in Figure 2.7. However the start and end processing of the span consists of a mask offset. In front alignment the three least significant bits are used in a look up table (see table 2) for masking bits while the address of the span is ANDed with 0xFFFFFFF8 to the obtain the proper aligned address. The mask is then ORed with the compare result to prevent unwanted data from copying over during the POR process described in Section 2.1.

Address & 0x7hStart Mask
2high- FFFF | FFFF | FFFF | 0000 - low
4high- FFFF | FFFF | 0000 | 0000 -low
6high- FFFF | 0000 | 0000 | 0000 -low

Table 2 Start Look Up Table

Since the original zval, described in Figure 2.7, is always located at the beginning of the register, it must be moved to match the start of the misalign address. A table look up is used to find the proper value to subtract from the offset, such that zval appears in the proper position. Table 3 shows the values used to modify the offset.

Address & 0x7hOffset Modifier
2high- dz | dz | dz | dz -low
4high- 2*dz | 2*dz | 2*dz | 2*dz -low
6high- 3*dz | 3*dz | 3*dz | 3*dz -low

Table 3 Offset Modifier Look Up Table

For example, if the span address starts at 0x680f4 then its aligned address starts at 0x680f0. Because of the alignment, the initial z value is now associated with address 0x680f0 instead of 0x680f4. There the initial z value must be shifted to the proper positions by subtracting 2*dz to all four words in the MMX register. This results in moving the initial z value from position zero in the MMX register to position two. For end alignment, the address is already aligned, however the end pixels may not need to be processed. In this case, a look up table is used based on the number of pixels left to do(see table 4). Just like front alignment, the mask is then ORed with the compare result to prevent unwanted data from copying over during the POR process.

Pixels Left in SpanEnd Mask
1high- 0000 FFFF FFFF FFFF -low
2high- 0000 0000 FFFF FFFF -low
3high- 0000 0000 0000 FFFF -low

Table 4 End Look Up Table


Performance measurements for the Z-Buffer algorithms consist of static analysis using V-Tune and dynamic analysis under system conditions. The results were obtained using a prototype Pentium Processor with MMX Technology. In static analysis, only the core Z-Buffer compare cycles were analyzed. Dynamic analysis provided information regarding the execution of the routine in relation to the interaction between the CPU, cache, and memory.

3.1 Static Analysis

The following results were obtained from VTune using the code in Section 4. The following table shows the typical trade off between MMX technology enabled code length versus standard assembly code length. To obtain the optimal performance from MMX instructions, the Z-Buffer procedure execute data setup cycles once per polygon to ensure that four words are operated on. Scalar(standard) assembly operate on a single word, eliminating the requirement for alignment and data setup resulting in shorter assembly code. However 5 cycles of prefix penalty exist in the scalar assembly inner loop because of word data is used in a 32-bit program. Table 5 illustrates the total cycle count for each version of the Z-Buffer algorithm. These instruction counts and cycles take into account of the entire Z-Buffer procedure.

Code TypeInstructionsPairingClocks
Scalar (1pixel)3281.2%31
Pixel Merge (4 pixels)10881%79
Transparent Blit (4 pixels)10284%75

Table 5 Static Analysis of Z-Buffer Procedures

Since the majority of execution time is spent in the inner loop (shown in Figure 2.4) the cycle counts for the loop are provided below. Two scalar cycle counts are provided because of the conditional statement which exists inside the loop. Thus performance is affected depending on the jump condition. The MMX technology Z-Buffer procedures do not contain the jump because data is always written back to the Z-Buffer. The number of times these loops are executed is dependent on the length of the aligned span. Section 3.2.1 provides data on span length versus execution time.

Code TypeInstructionsPairingClocks
Scalar No Jump (1 pixel)875%13
Scalar Jump Taken (1 pixel)690%6
Pixel Merge (4 pixel)1994.7%11
Transparent Blit (4 pixel)16100%9

Table 6 Static Analysis of Inner Loops

3.2 Dynamic Analysis

Two methods were used to obtain dynamic execution results. The first method involved examining the performance of the z value compare instructions for an eight byte aligned span in the Z-Buffer algorithm. The second method consisted of implementing the Z-Buffer algorithm in a graphics engine to simulate system conditions.

3.2.1 Single Span Results

A single aligned span was examined in Figure 3.1. The results below show the optimal performance of MMX instruction enabled Z-Buffer procedure compared to standard assembly and C. The data reinforces the fact that the MMX technology Z-Buffer procedure will gain the most benefit from large spans.

4 Pixels8 Pixels16 Pixels32 Pixels64 Pixels128 Pixels256 Pixels
MMX Technology Gains Versus Scalar Assembly1.29X1.40X1.88X2.16X2.90X2.93X3.00X
MMX Technology Gains Versus C1.81X1.94X2.94X3.36X4.15X4.69X4.83X

Figure 3.1 Optimal Z Compare Performance 

3.2.2 System Results

A 3D graphics engine was written to test the system performance of the Z-Buffer algorithm. Four 3D models (shown below) were created to test the performance of the Z-Buffer in the four conditions shown in table 1(system vs. video memory and Pixel Merge vs. Transparent Blit).

Intersecting Rectangles (Isect)
3 Polygons
67,366 Pixels Rendered
Average Span(Pixels): 101

12 Polygons
33,786 Pixels Rendered
Average Span(Pixels): 31

497 Polygons
107,706 Pixels Rendered
Average Span(Pixels): 14

1530 Polygons
284,917 Pixels Rendered
Average Span(Pixels): 8

Figure 3.2 Objects Used for Performance Analysis

The models were rendered in a viewport of size 480x480 with 16-bit color using flat shading ,aligned Direct Draw Surfaces and aligned Z-Buffer blocks. The blitting from the back buffer to the frame buffer were not timed, since they are similar in all three Z-Buffer algorithms. The result of the four tests are provided in Section and In all four cases, the L1 cache played a minimal part in the performance of the Z-Buffer, due to the large size of the Z-Buffer. For example a 480x480 display surface uses 450 Kilobytes (480x480x2 bytes) of memory for the Z-Buffer. Due to the size of the Z-Buffer, information in the cache is seldom used more than once resulting in cache thrashing. Back Surface in System Memory

Using a back buffer allocated from system memory, provides better performance for both MMX technology Z-Buffer algorithms because display surface memory reads are not routed through the PCI bus. From the performance results shown in Figure 3.3 and 3.4, MMX instruction based Z-Buffers are efficient in models with large polygons such as Isect. This is especially true for Pixel Merge, where reads offset the benefit of the SIMD architecture in small polygon models such as the mouse.

MMX Technology Gains Versus Scalar Assembly1.45X1.42X1.14X0.95X
MMX Technology Gains Versus C1.99X1.91X1.28X1.14X

Figure 3.3 Pixel Merge in System Memory


MMX Technology Gains Versus Scalar Assembly1.78X1.67X1.22X1.20X
MMX Technology Gains Versus C2.41X2.15X1.37X1.29X

Figure 3.4 Transparent Blit in System Memory Back Surface in Video Memory

Changing the back buffer from system memory to video memory is detrimental to the performance of MMX technology Z-Buffer procedures. As stated earlier, reads from the PCI bus limits the efficiency of Pixel Merge and Transparent Blit Z-Buffer algorithms. Pixel Merge Z-Buffer is affected the most from using a display surface in video memory. Pixel Merge reads from the display memory during execution, shown in Figure 2.6, causing penalty cycles from the PCI bus. Transparent Blit Z-Buffer is affected less than Pixel Merge Z-Buffer because only writes are executed on the back buffer.

MMX Technology Gains Versus Scalar Assembly0.26X0.26X0.25X0.29X
MMX Technology Gains Versus C0.34X0.34X0.31X0.34X

Figure 3.5 Pixel Merge in Video Memory


MMX Technology Gains Versus Scalar Assembly1.86X1.66X1.13X1.07X
MMX Technology Gains Versus C2.42X2.18X1.38X1.26X

Figure 3.6 Transparent Blit in Video Memory


4.1 Standard Assembly

TITLE   asm_zbuffer
;  This program was assembled with Microsoft MASM 6.11d
.model FLAT
;    Code Segment Declarations
; void asm_zbuffer(long smallx, long largex, long zval, long dz,
;					long col,ZBUFTYPE *zbuf, WORD *dds );
; vars:
; smallx - holds the small x value of the span
; largex - holds the large x value of the span
; zval - holds the intial z value of the span
; dz - delta z is added to zval to show change as the span increments from
;		smallx to largex
; col - 16bit(usually 565) color to be placed in the direct draw surface
; zbuf - a pointer to the z-buffer memory location
; dds - pointer to the direct draw surface
; procedure:
; asm_zbuffer checks the zbuffer for the span, specified by smallx and largex
; and fills in the appropriate pixels in the direct draw surface.
; This algorithm uses flat shading algorithm and 16it color depth.
; it does not handle z value clamping which may cause inaccurent span
; drawings for z values close to the extremes of 16bit datatype.  The 
; parameters are 32bit values so that penalties aren't incurred on access.
asm_zbuffer PROC C USES esi edi eax ebx ecx edx, smallx:DWORD, largex:DWORD,
			zval:DWORD, dz:DWORD, col:DWORD, zbuf:PTR WORD, dds:PTR WORD
	mov	edx, largex		;copy largex into a reg
	mov	ebx, smallx		;copy smallx into a reg
	inc 	edx			;largex+1
	sub	edx, ebx		;largex-smallx
	mov	eax, zval		;copy initial z value into a reg
	mov	esi, zbuf		;copy zbuffer address into reg
	mov	edi, dds		;copy dds address into reg
	mov	ecx, col		;copy color into a reg
	cmp	ax, word ptr [esi+2*ebx]
	jg	NO_UPDATE		;jmp on zval>zbuf
	mov	word ptr [esi+2*ebx], ax ;copy zval to zbuf
	mov	word ptr [edi+2*ebx], cx ;copy color to direct draw surface
	add	eax, dz			;add zval with dz
	inc	ebx			;increment memory offset pointer
					;used for zbuf and dds
	dec	edx			;one pixel down
	jnz	SINGLE_PIXEL_LOOP	;go back and do next pixel
asm_zbuffer	EndP

4.2 Pixel Merge & Transparent Blit

TITLE   mmx_zbuffer
;  This program was assembled with Microsoft MASM 6.11d
.model FLAT
;    Data Segment Declarations
; vars:
; sxmask0 - dummy place holder for smallx masking of don't care values
; sxmask1 - mask of don't care values for 1 to 3 pixel misalignment of smallx
; sxmask2   this allows processing of 4 pixels and operating on those pixels
; sxmask3   that is part of the span.
; lxmask0 - dummy place holder for largex masking of don't care values
; lxmask1-3 works the same was as sxmask but is applied to the end of the span
; three_two_one_zero constant used to multiply initial zval with in setup_mmx_zbuf
; most_neg_mask used in the alignment of smallx and largex for z-buffers with
;				positive z axis coming out of the screen
; most_pos_mask used in the alignment of smallx and largex for z-buffers with
;				negative z axis coming out of the screen
; POSZ_INTOSCR	determines if pos z points into the screen(1) or out of the screen
sxmask0		QWORD	0ffffffffffffffffh
sxmask1		QWORD	0ffffffffffff0000h
sxmask2		QWORD	0ffffffff00000000h
sxmask3		QWORD	0ffff000000000000h
lxmask0		QWORD	0000000000000000h
lxmask1		QWORD	000000000000ffffh
lxmask2		QWORD	00000000ffffffffh
lxmask3		QWORD	0000ffffffffffffh
three_two_one_zero	QWORD	 0003000200010000h
most_neg_mask		QWORD	08000800080008000h
most_pos_mask		QWORD	07fff7fff7fff7fffh
;    Code Segment Declarations
; void setup_mmx_zbuf ( long dz, long col, short* mmxvar)
; vars:
; The vars passed in are longs because of penalties for 16bit access
; only the first 16bit contain valid data.
; dz - amount to increment the initial zvalue with to genererate the next zvalue
; col - the 16-bit color value to be displayed for this polygon
; mmxvars - an array of shorts which is loaded with the following:
;	  0---------------------
;	   |0   |1*dz|2*dz|3*dz|
;	  8---------------------
;	   |1*dz|1*dz|1*dz|1*dz|
;	 16---------------------
;	   |2*dz|2*dz|2*dz|2*dz|
;	 24---------------------
;	   |3*dz|3*dz|3*dz|3*dz|
;	 32---------------------
;	   |4*dz|4*dz|4*dz|4*dz|
;	 40-------------------------
;	   |color|color|color|color|
;	   -------------------------
; eax - unused
; ebx - unused
; ecx - unused
; edx - unused	
; esi - holds a pointer to mmxvars
; edi - unused
; mm0 - unused
; mm1 - used to create elements in mmxvars
; mm2 - used to create the initial dz increment for 4 pixels 
; mm3 - used to create elements in mmxvars
; mm4 - unused
; mm5 - unused
; mm6 - holds the four copies of the polygon color
; mm7 - unused
; procedure:
; This function is called once every polygon to fill in the proper delta z for
; use in span alignment.  It also fills in an array for 16bit flat shading.  The
; data structure is used in the functions mmx_merge_zbuffer and mmx_trans_zbuffer.
setup_mmx_zbuf PROC C USES esi edi eax ebx ecx edx, 
		dz:DWORD,col:DWORD,mmxvars:PTR WORD
	movd	mm1, dword ptr [dz]	; move dz into mm1
	movd	mm6, dword ptr [col]
	punpcklwd	mm1, mm1
	mov	esi,mmxvars
	punpckldq	mm1, mm1
	movq	mm2, mm1
	punpcklwd	mm6, mm6
	pmullw	mm2, dword ptr [three_two_one_zero]
	punpckldq	mm6, mm6
	movq	dword ptr [esi+8], mm1	;zumask1
	movq	mm3,mm1
	movq	dword ptr [esi+40], mm6	;color
	paddsw	mm1, mm1
	movq	dword ptr [esi], mm2	;zu_incr
	paddsw	mm3, mm1
	movq	dword ptr [esi+16], mm1 ;zumask2
	paddsw	mm1, mm1
	movq	dword ptr [esi+24], mm3	;zumask3
	movq	dword ptr [esi+32], mm1 ;four_zu
setup_mmx_zbuf	EndP
; VOID mt_state (VOID)
; procedure:
; This function is called once per polygon to clear out the mmx register states.
; Although function can be called once per rasterization scene, it is best to call
; it often in a multitasking/threading environment since who knows what may be
; running in the background while the rasterization takes place
mt_state PROC C 
	emms	; empty the MMX register state
mt_state EndP
IF POSZ_INTOSCR	;choose which version of mmx zbuffer to compile
; The following versions of mmx zbuffer is used when the positive z
; axis points into the screen. -32K is at the screen and receeds to
; 32K in the distance.
; Pixel Merging Algorithm for positive z axis going into the screen
; void mmx_merge_zbuffer ( long smallx, long largex, long zval, long dz,
;			unsigned long col, short* zbuf, word* dds, short *mmxvar)
; vars:
; most variables are hold 16bit data but are passed as 32bit to prevent penalties in
; the scalar_asm function
; smallx - pixel offset for the start of the scan line
; largex - pixel offset for teh end of the scan line
; zval - the z-value for the first pixle in the span
; dz - amount to increment the initial zvalue with to genererate the next zvalue
; col - the 16-bit color value to be displayed for this polygon used in scalar asm
; zbuf - pointer to the start of this row in the z-buffer array
; dds - pointer to the start of this row in the offscreen surface
; mmxvars - an array of shorts which is loaded with the following:
;	  0---------------------
;	   |0   |1*dz|2*dz|3*dz|
;	  8---------------------
;	   |1*dz|1*dz|1*dz|1*dz|
;	 16---------------------
;	   |2*dz|2*dz|2*dz|2*dz|
;	 24---------------------
;	   |3*dz|3*dz|3*dz|3*dz|
;	 32---------------------
;	   |4*dz|4*dz|4*dz|4*dz|
;	 40-------------------------
;	   |color|color|color|color|
;	   -------------------------
; eax - aligned smallx
; ebx - smallx
; ecx - aligned largex-smallx
; edx - largex
; esi - pointer to the z-buffer
; edi - pointer to the offscreen surface
; mm0 - the 4 z-values to compare with z-buffer
; mm1 - a copy of the compare mask
; mm2 - holds zbuffer values and later compare masks
; mm3 - a copy of the compare mask
; mm4 - holds the four copies of the polygon color
; mm5 - misc. functions
; mm6 - copy of mm4 used with compare mask
; mm7 - holds mm0 with modified zvals for smallx alignment
; procedure:
; The procedure takes the compare mask from zval to zbuffer and merge
; 4 pixels from the back buffer surface and the current color of the span.
; The new 4 pixel span is then copied back to the back buffer surface.
; The same thing is done for the zvalues. If the span is smaller than 4 pixels
; then scalar assembly is used to process the pixels.  This version handles
; clamping in mmx but ignores it in the scalar assembly for spans with less
; than 4 pixels
mmx_merge_zbuffer PROC C USES esi edi eax ebx ecx edx, 
		smallx:DWORD,largex:DWORD,zval:DWORD,dz:DWORD, col:DWORD, zbuf:PTR WORD, dds:PTR WORD, mmxvars:PTR WORD
	mov	edx, largex		; load largex - the end of the scan line
	mov	ebx, smallx		; load smallx - the start of the scan line
	inc	edx			; increment largex to include the last pixel 
	mov	eax, ebx		; copy smallx
	mov	ecx, edx		; copy largex
	sub	edx, ebx		; compute largex-smallx
	mov	edi, dds		; load the pointer to the display surface
	cmp	edx, 4			; if largex-smallx<4 do scalar 
	jb	scalar_asm_ver		; jump to scalar assembly version
	and	eax, 0fffch		; truncate lower two bits of smallx
	mov	edx, ecx		; copy largex
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load pointer to the z-buffer surface
	and	ecx, 0fffch		; truncate lower two address bits of largex
	sub	ecx, eax		; compute largex-smallx (aligned values) for loop variable
	push	edx			; save largex to use in largex alignment
	movd	mm0, zval		; load the z-value that corresponds to the start of the scan line
	punpcklwd	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into lower two words of mm0
	mov	edx, mmxvars		; load the pointer to the structure
	shl	ebx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
					; this provides an offset to the correct mask
	punpckldq	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into the upper two words of mm0
	paddw	mm0, dword ptr [edx]	; add the dzs to each zval to create the first four zvals
					; mm0=|zval+3dz|zval+2dz|zval+dz|zval|
	movq	mm4, dword ptr [edx + 40]; load the 4 color values to mm4
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the first four zvals
	and	ebx, 18h		; truncate all but the lower two address bits of smallx
					; these bits are converted to an offset for alignment masks
	jz	main_pixel_loop		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, don't align smallx
; the goal of smallx alignment is to adjust the 4 zvals by subtracting dzs from each until zval is in the correct position
; this routine also loads the most positive signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop this prevents updating 
; the display surface and z-buffer where the span isn't valid
	movq	mm2, dword ptr [most_pos_mask] ; load mm2 with the maximum signed value for a word
		;the above instr. needs to stay to prevent a AGI penalty
	psubsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx + ebx]; subtract the correct number of dz to position zval 
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ebx + sxmask0]; load the correct mask to AND the zvals with
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zvals
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND compare mask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm2		; AND ~compare mask with neg mask values
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with neg values
; the main pixel loop receives only aligned values for zvals, display surface pointer and z-buffer pointer
; the loop compares 4 zvals with the z-buffer to create a compare mask
; this mask is used to combine new values into z-buffer and combine new values to the offscreen display surface
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;move the zbuffer values to be compared to mm2
	movq	mm6, mm4		;load the color values to mm6
	movq	mm5,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ; copy zbuf
	pcmpgtw	mm2,mm7			; create comparemask - zbuf>zval?
	movq	mm3, mm2		; copy the comparemask
	movq	mm1, mm2		; copy the comparemask
	pand	mm6, mm2		; AND comparemask with color
	pand	mm2, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	pandn	mm1, dword ptr [edi + 2*eax]; AND ~comparemask with display surface
	pandn	mm3, mm5		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	paddsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx + 32]; increment to get the next 4 zval
	por	mm1, mm6		; combine to make new display pixels
	add	eax, 4			; increment the smallx pointer
	por	mm3, mm2		; combine to make new zbuf values
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax-8], mm1; update the display surface
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zval
	movq	word ptr [esi + 2*eax-8], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	sub	ecx, 4			; decrement the loop variable
	jg	main_pixel_loop		; loop back up to the top if not done
; the goal of largex alignment is to load the most positive signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop, which is duplicated below 
; this prevents updating the display surface and z-buffer where the span isn't valid
	pop	ecx			; restore largex
	and	ecx, 3			; truncate all but the low 2 bits of largex
	jz	all_done		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, no need to align largex
	shl	ecx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
		; this provides an offset to the correct lxmask
	movq	mm2, dword ptr [most_pos_mask]	; load mm2 with the maximum signed value for a word
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ecx + lxmask0]	; load the correct lxmask to AND the zvals with
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND lxmask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm2		; AND ~lxmask with neg mask values
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;mov current zbuf values into mm2
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with neg values
	movq	mm5,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ; copy current zbuf values to mm5
	pcmpgtw	mm2,mm7			; create compare mask - zval<zbuf
	movq	mm3, mm2		; copy the comparemask
	movq	mm1, mm2		; copy the comparemask
	pandn	mm1, dword ptr [edi + 2*eax]; AND ~comparemask with display surface
	pand	mm4, mm2		; AND comparemask with color
	pandn	mm3, mm5		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pand	mm2, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	por	mm1, mm4		; combine to make new display pixels
	por	mm3, mm2		; combine to make new zbuf values
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax], mm1; update the display surface
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	ret	; all done so return
	mov	eax, zval		; load the zval for smallx
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load the pointer to the z-buffer
	mov	ecx, col		; load the color value for this scan line
	cmp	ax, word ptr [esi + 2*ebx]; compare the zval with the z-buffer
	jg	no_update	 if z-buffer < zval don't update the display or z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [esi + 2*ebx], ax ; update the z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [edi + 2*ebx], cx ; update the display surface
	add	eax, dz			; increment to get the next zval
	inc	ebx			; increment to the next scan line position
	dec	edx			; decrement the loop counter
	jnz	single_pixel_loop ; if the loop counter is not zero, jump to the top of the loop
	ret			; return
mmx_merge_zbuffer	EndP
; Transparent Pixel Algorithm for positive z axis going into the screen
; void mmx_trans_zbuffer ( long smallx, long largex, long zval, long dz,
;		unsigned long col, short *zbuf,word *dds,short *mmxvar);
; vars:
; most variables are hold 16bit data but are passed as 32bit to prevent penalties in
; the scalar_asm function
; smallx - pixel offset for the start of the scan line
; largex - pixel offset for teh end of the scan line
; zval - the z-value for the first pixle in the span
; dz - amount to increment the initial zvalue with to genererate the next zvalue
; col - the 16-bit color value to be displayed for this polygon used in scalar asm
; zbuf - pointer to the start of this row in the z-buffer array
; dds - pointer to the start of this row in the offscreen surface
; mmxvars - an array of shorts which is loaded with the following:
;	  0---------------------
;	   |0   |1*dz|2*dz|3*dz|
;	  8---------------------
;	   |1*dz|1*dz|1*dz|1*dz|
;	 16---------------------
;	   |2*dz|2*dz|2*dz|2*dz|
;	 24---------------------
;	   |3*dz|3*dz|3*dz|3*dz|
;	 32---------------------
;	   |4*dz|4*dz|4*dz|4*dz|
;	 40-------------------------
;	   |color|color|color|color|
;	   -------------------------
; eax - aligned smallx
; ebx - smallx
; ecx - aligned largex-smallx
; edx - largex
; esi - pointer to the z-buffer
; edi - pointer to the offscreen surface
; mm0 - the 4 z-values to compare with z-buffer
; mm1 - a copy of the compare mask
; mm2 - holds zbuffer values and later compare masks
; mm3 - a copy of the compare mask
; mm4 - holds the four copies of the polygon color
; mm5 - misc. functions
; mm6 - copy of mm4 used with compare mask
; mm7 - holds mm0 with modified zvals for smallx alignment
; procedure:
; The procedure takes the compare mask from zval to zbuffer and merge
; 4 pixels from the back buffer surface and the current color of the span.
; The new 4 pixel span is then copied back to the back buffer surface.
; The same thing is done for the zvalues. If the span is smaller than 4 pixels
; then scalar assembly is used to process the pixels.  This version handles
; clamping in mmx but ignores it in the scalar assembly for spans with less
; than 4 pixels
mmx_trans_zbuffer PROC C USES esi edi eax ebx ecx edx, 
		smallx:DWORD,largex:DWORD,zval:DWORD,dz:DWORD, col:DWORD, zbuf:PTR WORD, dds:PTR WORD, mmxvars:PTR WORD
	mov	edx, largex		; load largex - the end of the scan line
	mov	ebx, smallx		; load smallx - the start of the scan line
	inc	edx			; increment largex to include the last pixel 
	mov	eax, ebx		; copy smallx
	mov	ecx, edx		; copy largex
	sub	edx, ebx		; compute largex-smallx
	mov	edi, dds		; load the pointer to the display surface
	cmp	edx, 4			; if largex-smallx<4 do scalar 	
	jb	scalar_asm_ver		; jump to scalar assembly version
	and	eax, 0fffch		; truncate lower two bits of smallx
	mov	edx, ecx		; copy largex
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load pointer to the z-buffer surface
	and	ecx, 0fffch		; truncate lower two address bits of largex
	sub	ecx, eax		; compute largex-smallx (aligned values) for loop variable
	push	edx			; save largex to use in largex alignment
	movd	mm0,zval		; load the z-value that corresponds to the start of the scan line
	mov	edx, mmxvars		; load the pointer to the structure
	punpcklwd	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into lower two words of mm0
	shl	ebx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
					; this provides an offset to the correct mask
	punpckldq	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into the upper two words of mm0
	paddsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx]	; add the dzs to each zval to create the first four zvals
					; mm0=|zval+3dz|zval+2dz|zval+dz|zval|
	movq	mm4, dword ptr [edx + 40]; load the 4 color values to mm4
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the first four zvals
	movq	mm1,dword ptr [edx + 32]; move 4 zval into mm1
	and	ebx, 18h		; truncate all but the lower two address bits of smallx
					; these bits are converted to an offset for alignment masks
	jz	main_pixel_loop		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, don't align smallx
; the goal of smallx alignment is to adjust the 4 zvals by subtracting dzs from each until zval is in the correct position
; this routine also loads the most positive signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop this prevents updating 
; the display surface and z-buffer where the scan line isn't valid
	movq	mm2, dword ptr [most_pos_mask] ; load mm2 with the maximum signed value for a word
		;the above instruction needs to stay to prevent a AGI with ebx
	psubsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx + ebx]	; subtract the correct number of dz to position zval 
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ebx + sxmask0]	; load the correct mask to AND the zvals with
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zvals
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND compare mask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm2		; AND ~compare mask with neg mask values
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with neg values
; the main pixel loop receives only aligned values for zvals, display surface pointer and z-buffer pointer
; the loop compares 4 zvals with the z-buffer to create a compare mask
; this mask is used to combine new values into z-buffer and combine new values to the offscreen display surface
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;mov zbuffer values to mm2
	movq	mm6, mm4		;load the color values to mm6
	movq	mm5,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ; mov zbuffer values to mm5
	pcmpgtw	mm2,mm7			; create comparemask - zbuf>zval?  
	movq	mm3, mm2		; copy the comparemask
	pand	mm6, mm2		; AND comparemask with color
	pandn	mm3, mm5		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pand	mm2, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax], mm6; update the display surface
	por	mm3, mm2		; combine to make new zbuf values
	paddsw	mm0, mm1		; increment to get the next 4 zval
	add	eax, 4			; increment the smallx pointer
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax-8], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zval
	sub	ecx, 4			; decrement the loop variable
	jg	main_pixel_loop		; loop back up to the top if not done
; the goal of largex alignment is to load the most positive signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop, which is duplicated below 
; this prevents updating the display surface and z-buffer where the scan line isn't valid
	pop	ecx			; restore largex
	and	ecx, 3			; truncate all but the low 2 bits of largex
	jz	all_done		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, no need to align largex
	shl	ecx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
					; this provides an offset to the correct lxmask
	movq	mm1, dword ptr [most_pos_mask]	; load mm2 with the maximum signed value for a word
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ecx + lxmask0]	; load the correct lxmask 
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND lxmask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm1		; AND ~lxmask with most pos mask values
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;mov current zbuf values into mm2
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with most pos mask values
	movq	mm6,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ; copy current zbuf values to mm6
	pcmpgtw	mm2,mm7			; create compare mask - zbuf>zval
	pand	mm4, mm2		; AND comparemask with color
	movq	mm3, mm2		; copy the comparemask
	pandn	mm3, mm6		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pand	mm2, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax], mm4; update the display surface
	por	mm3, mm2		; combine to make new zbuf values
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	ret	; all done so return
	mov	eax, zval		; load the zval for smallx
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load the pointer to the z-buffer
	mov	ecx, col		; load the color value for this scan line
	cmp	ax, word ptr [esi + 2*ebx]; compare the zval with the z-buffer
	jg	no_update		; if z-buffer < zval don't update the display or z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [esi + 2*ebx], ax ; update the z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [edi + 2*ebx], cx ; update the display surface
	add	eax, dz			; increment to get the next zval
	inc	ebx			; increment to the next scan line position
	dec	edx			; decrement the loop counter
	jnz	single_pixel_loop	; if the loop counter is not zero, jump to the top of the loop
	ret	; return
mmx_trans_zbuffer	EndP
ELSE ;else conditional assembly
; The following versions of mmx zbuffer is used when the positive z
; axis points out of the screen. 32K is at the screen and receeds to
; -32K in the distance.
mmx_merge_zbuffer PROC C USES esi edi eax ebx ecx edx, 
		smallx:DWORD,largex:DWORD,zval:DWORD,dz:DWORD, col:DWORD, zbuf:PTR WORD, dds:PTR WORD, mmxvars:PTR WORD
	mov	edx, largex		; load largex - the end of the scan line
	mov	ebx, smallx		; load smallx - the start of the scan line
	inc	edx			; increment largex to include the last pixel 
	mov	eax, ebx		; copy smallx
	mov	ecx, edx		; copy largex
	sub	edx, ebx		; compute largex-smallx
	mov	edi, dds		; load the pointer to the display surface
	cmp	edx, 4			; if largex-smallx<4 do scalar 
	jb	scalar_asm_ver		; jump to scalar assembly version
	and	eax, 0fffch		; truncate lower two bits of smallx
	mov	edx, ecx		; copy largex
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load pointer to the z-buffer surface
	and	ecx, 0fffch		; truncate lower two address bits of largex
	sub	ecx, eax		; compute largex-smallx (aligned values) for loop variable
	push	edx			; save largex to use in largex alignment
	movd	mm0, zval		; load the z-value that corresponds to the start of the scan line
	punpcklwd	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into lower two words of mm0
	mov	edx, mmxvars		; load the pointer to the structure
	shl	ebx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
					; this provides an offset to the correct mask
	punpckldq	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into the upper two words of mm0
	paddw	mm0, dword ptr [edx]	; add the dzs to each zval to create the first four zvals
					; mm0=|zval+3dz|zval+2dz|zval+dz|zval|
	movq	mm4, dword ptr [edx + 40]; load the 4 color values to mm4
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the first four zvals
	movq	mm1,dword ptr [edx + 32]; move 4 zval into mm1
	and	ebx, 18h		; truncate all but the lower two address bits of smallx
					; these bits are converted to an offset for alignment masks
	jz	main_pixel_loop		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, don't align smallx
; the goal of smallx alignment is to adjust the 4 zvals by subtracting dzs from each until zval is in the correct position
; this routine also loads the most negative signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop this prevents updating 
; the display surface and z-buffer where the span isn't valid
	movq	mm2, dword ptr [most_neg_mask] ; load mm2 with the minimum signed value for a word
		;the above instr. needs to stay to prevent a AGI penalty
	psubsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx + ebx]	; subtract the correct number of dz to position zval 
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ebx + sxmask0]	; load the correct mask to AND the zvals with
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zvals
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND compare mask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm2		; AND ~compare mask with neg mask values
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with neg values
; the main pixel loop receives only aligned values for zvals, display surface pointer and z-buffer pointer
; the loop compares 4 zvals with the z-buffer to create a compare mask
; this mask is used to combine new values into z-buffer and combine new values to the offscreen display surface
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;move the zbuffer values to be compared to mm2
	movq	mm6, mm4		;load the color values to mm6
	pcmpgtw	mm7,mm2			; create comparemask - zval>zbuf?  
	add	eax, 4			; increment the smallx pointer
	movq	mm3, mm7		; copy the comparemask
	pand	mm6, mm7		; AND comparemask with color
	movq	mm5, mm7		; copy the comparemask
	pandn	mm3, mm2		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pandn	mm5, dword ptr [edi + 2*eax-8]; AND ~comparemask with display surface
	por	mm5, mm6		; combine to make new display pixels
	pand	mm7, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	paddsw	mm0, mm1		; increment to get the next 4 zval
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax-8], mm5; update the display surface
	por	mm3, mm7		; combine to make new zbuf values
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax-8], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zval
	sub	ecx, 4			; decrement the loop variable
	jg	main_pixel_loop		; loop back up to the top if not done
; the goal of largex alignment is to load the most negartive signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop, which is duplicated below 
; this prevents updating the display surface and z-buffer where the span isn't valid
	pop	ecx			; restore largex
	and	ecx, 3			; truncate all but the low 2 bits of largex
	jz	all_done		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, no need to align largex
	shl	ecx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
		; this provides an offset to the correct lxmask
	movq	mm2, dword ptr [most_neg_mask]	; load mm2 with the minimum signed value for a word
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ecx + lxmask0]	; load the correct lxmask to AND the zvals with
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND lxmask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm2		; AND ~lxmask with neg mask values
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;mov current zbuf values into mm2
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with neg values
	pcmpgtw	mm7,mm2			; create compare mask - zval>zbuf
	movq	mm3, mm7		; copy the comparemask
	movq	mm1, mm7		; copy the comparemask
	pandn	mm1, dword ptr [edi + 2*eax]; AND ~comparemask with display surface
	pand	mm4, mm7		; AND comparemask with color
	pandn	mm3, mm2		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pand	mm7, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	por	mm1, mm4		; combine to make new display pixels
	por	mm3, mm7		; combine to make new zbuf values
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax], mm1; update the display surface
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	ret	; all done so return
	mov	eax, zval		; load the zval for smallx
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load the pointer to the z-buffer
	mov	ecx, col		; load the color value for this scan line
	cmp	ax, word ptr [esi + 2*ebx]; compare the zval with the z-buffer
	jl	no_update		; if z-buffer > zval don't update the display or z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [esi + 2*ebx], ax; update the z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [edi + 2*ebx], cx; update the display surface
	add	eax, dz			; increment to get the next zval
	inc	ebx			; increment to the next scan line position
	dec	edx			; decrement the loop counter
	jnz	single_pixel_loop	; if the loop counter is not zero, jump to the top of the loop
	ret				; return
mmx_merge_zbuffer	EndP
mmx_trans_zbuffer PROC C USES esi edi eax ebx ecx edx, 
		smallx:DWORD,largex:DWORD,zval:DWORD,dz:DWORD, col:DWORD, zbuf:PTR WORD, dds:PTR WORD, mmxvars:PTR WORD
	mov	edx, largex		; load largex - the end of the scan line
	mov	ebx, smallx		; load smallx - the start of the scan line
	inc	edx			; increment largex to include the last pixel 
	mov	eax, ebx		; copy smallx
	mov	ecx, edx		; copy largex
	sub	edx, ebx		; compute largex-smallx
	mov	edi, dds		; load the pointer to the display surface
	cmp	edx, 4			; if largex-smallx<4 do scalar 
	jb	scalar_asm_ver		; jump to scalar assembly version
	and	ax, 0fffch		; truncate lower two bits of smallx
	mov	edx, ecx		; copy largex
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load pointer to the z-buffer surface
	and	ecx, 0fffch		; truncate lower two address bits of largex
	sub	ecx, eax		; compute largex-smallx (aligned values) for loop variable
	push	edx			; save largex to use in largex alignment
	movd	mm0,zval		; load the z-value that corresponds to the start of the scan line
	mov	edx, mmxvars		; load the pointer to the structure
	punpcklwd	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into lower two words of mm0
	shl	ebx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
					; this provides an offset to the correct mask
	punpckldq	mm0, mm0	; unpack the zval into the upper two words of mm0
	paddsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx]	; add the dzs to each zval to create the first four zvals
					; mm0=|zval+3dz|zval+2dz|zval+dz|zval|
	movq	mm4, dword ptr [edx + 40]; load the 4 color values to mm4
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the first four zvals
	movq	mm1,dword ptr [edx + 32]; move 4 zval into mm1
	and	ebx, 18h		; truncate all but the lower two address bits of smallx
					; these bits are converted to an offset for alignment masks
	jz	main_pixel_loop		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, don't align smallx
; the goal of smallx alignment is to adjust the 4 zvals by subtracting dzs from each until zval is in the correct position
; this routine also loads the most negative signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop this prevents updating 
; the display surface and z-buffer where the scan line isn't valid
	movq	mm2, dword ptr [most_neg_mask] ; load mm2 with the minimum signed value for a word
		;the above instruction needs to stay to prevent a AGI with ebx
	psubsw	mm0, dword ptr [edx + ebx]	; subtract the correct number of dz to position zval 
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ebx + sxmask0]	; load the correct mask to AND the zvals with
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zvals
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND compare mask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm2		; AND ~compare mask with neg mask values
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with neg values
; the main pixel loop receives only aligned values for zvals, display surface pointer and z-buffer pointer
; the loop compares 4 zvals with the z-buffer to create a compare mask
; this mask is used to combine new values into z-buffer and combine new values to the offscreen display surface
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;mov zbuffer values to mm2
	movq	mm6, mm4		;load the color values to mm6
	pcmpgtw	mm7,mm2			; create comparemask - zval>zbuf?  
	add	eax, 4			; increment the smallx pointer
	movq	mm3, mm7		; copy the comparemask
	pand	mm6, mm7		; AND comparemask with color
	pandn	mm3, mm2		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pand	mm7, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax-8], mm6; update the display surface
	por	mm3, mm7		; combine to make new zbuf values
	paddsw	mm0, mm1		; increment to get the next 4 zval
	sub	ecx, 4			; decrement the loop variable
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax-8], mm3; update the zbuffer with new values
	movq	mm7, mm0		; copy the new zval
	jg	main_pixel_loop		; loop back up to the top if not done
; the goal of largex alignment is to load the most negative signed value into positions where zval is not valid, 
; this insures that those positions will not pass the compare in the main loop, which is duplicated below 
; this prevents updating the display surface and z-buffer where the scan line isn't valid
	pop	ecx			; restore largex
	and	ecx, 3			; truncate all but the low 2 bits of largex
	jz	all_done		; if the lower 2 bits of smallx were zero, no need to align largex
	shl	ecx, 3			; multiply the misaligned address value by 8
					; this provides an offset to the correct lxmask
	movq	mm1, dword ptr [most_neg_mask]	; load mm2 with the minimum signed value for a word
	movq	mm5, dword ptr [ecx + lxmask0]	; load the correct lxmask 
	pand	mm7, mm5		; AND lxmask with zvals
	pandn	mm5, mm1		; AND ~lxmask with most pos mask values
	movq	mm2,dword ptr [esi + 2*eax] ;mov current zbuf values into mm2
	por	mm7, mm5		; combine valid zvals with most pos mask values
	pcmpgtw	mm7,mm2			; create compare mask - zval>zbuf?
	pand	mm4, mm7		; AND comparemask with color
	movq	mm3, mm7		; copy the comparemask
	pandn	mm3, mm2		; AND ~comparemask with zbuf
	pand	mm7, mm0		; AND comparemask with zval
	movq	dword ptr [edi + 2*eax], mm4; update the display surface
	por	mm3, mm7		; combine to make new zbuf values
	movq	dword ptr [esi + 2*eax], mm3	; update the zbuffer with new values
	ret	; all done so return
	mov	eax, zval		; load the zval for smallx
	mov	esi, zbuf		; load the pointer to the z-buffer
	mov	ecx, col		; load the color value for this scan line
	cmp	ax, word ptr [esi + 2*ebx]	; compare the zval with the z-buffer
	jl	no_update		; if z-buffer > zval don't update the display or z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [esi + 2*ebx], ax	; update the z-buffer
	mov	word ptr [edi + 2*ebx], cx	; update the display surface
	add	eax, dz			; increment to get the next zval
	inc	ebx			; increment to the next scan line position
	dec	edx			; decrement the loop counter
	jnz	single_pixel_loop	; if the loop counter is not zero, jump to the top of the loop
mmx_trans_zbuffer	EndP


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